Black & White Film Develop & Scan
黑白菲林沖掃 曬相 曬菲林 電影菲林
C-41 E-6 ECN-2 Black & White

ECN-2 Cine Film Develop & Scan Service


2 to 3 weeks after receiving the film 收到菲林後需時2至3個星期 This is Motion Picture Film Develop & Scan service, if you are other type of film, please go to other listing....

Format: 135/35mm

120 Medium Format

Extra Service: Standard (~3MB)

Standard (~3MB)
High Resolution (15-40MB)
Tiff File (~90MB)
Vendor: Panda Camera

2 to 3 weeks after receiving the film


This is Motion Picture Film Develop & Scan service, if you are other type of film, please go to other listing.

  • Please choose your film format on the right-hand side
  • Please choose an extra service if you need:
    • Standard Resolution (~5MB)
      Download the standard res example here
    • High Resolution +$20 (15-40MB / 120 6x4.5, 110, APS N/A)
      Download the high res example here
    • Tiff File +$100 (~90MB / Please ship with your own USB/SD Card /  110, APS N/A)
      Download the Tiff example here     
  • Check out the order and choose the delivery way you want to pick up the negative. If you choose store pick up, negatives will be destroyed after one month you receive the digital file.
  • Ship us your films to the following address, please also include a note with your order number and phone number:

    Room E, 12/F, World Tech Centre, No. 95 How Ming Street, 
    Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    PandaCamera +85259887481



  • 請在右側選擇您的菲林格式
  • 若您需要以下服務,請選擇額外服務:
    • 標準解析度 (~5MB)
    • 高解析度 +$20(15-40MB / 120 6x4.5, 110, APS不適用)
    • Tiff 檔案 +$100(~90MB / 請連同您的 USB/SD 卡一起郵寄 / 110, APS不適用)
      在此下載Tiff 檔案範例
  • 完成訂單並選擇您想要提取底片的送貨方式。如果您選擇門市自取,底片將在您收到電子檔案的一個月後銷毀。
  • 將您的菲林寄往以下地址,請附上您的訂單號碼和電話號碼

PandaCamera +85259887481


Additional Information

135/35mm, 120 Medium Format

Extra Service

Standard (~3MB), High Resolution (15-40MB), Tiff File (~90MB)