Arista EDU ULTRA 100, 120 Black & White Negative Film
Panchromatic B&W Negative Film ISO 100/21° in Standard Process Fine Grain and High Sharpness Wide Exposure Latitude Designed for General Use Several years ago, Freestyle sought to counter the trend...
- Panchromatic B&W Negative Film
- ISO 100/21° in Standard Process
- Fine Grain and High Sharpness
- Wide Exposure Latitude
- Designed for General Use
Several years ago, Freestyle sought to counter the trend of rising photo supply costs by introducing the Arista.EDU Ultra line of film and paper. In a time when industry heavyweights have exited the traditional photographic field, Arista.EDU Ultra provides students and educators a reliable supply of high quality and affordable photographic materials.
All Arista.EDU Ultra films are all-purpose emulsions featuring fine-grain, full tonal range, excellent resolution and wide exposure latitude.
Arista's EDU Ultra 100 Black and White Negative Film is a traditional panchromatic film that is optimized for use in a range of shooting conditions. It has a fine grain with high sharpness as well as a wide exposure latitude that make is a useful film for most environments. It has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 100/21° when developed in standard black and white chemistry, and responds well to push processing. EDU Ultra is a flexible film type that is ideally suited for use in general photographic applications.
This item is one 36-exposure roll of 35mm format film. This film is not supplied in a DX-coded cassette, requiring users to manually set ISO on their camera.