ILFORD Ortho Plus 80 - 36exp, 135/35mm Black & White Negative Film


Ilford Ortho Plus 80 is wonderful new emulsion: designed for situations requiring high-resolution detail and fine grain. Its colour sensitivity is skewed towards green and blue with two benefits: landscape...


                        Ilford Ortho Plus 80 is wonderful new emulsion: designed for situations requiring high-resolution detail and fine grain. Its colour sensitivity is skewed towards green and blue with two benefits: landscape photography will look particularly dramatic, and the film can be handled safely under dark-red safelights for easier processing and development.

                        Rate at 80 under natural light and 40 under tungsten light for optimal results.

                        And don't forget to submit a review with sample shots as soon as you've had a chance to play - so that the rest of the community gets to see 'real life' results!