Bergger Pancro 400 - 36exp, 135/35mm Black & White Negative Film


BERGGER Pancro 400 is a fast black and white film with classic grain. With a nominal sensitivity of 400 iso, it produces very good results from 160 to 1600 iso....


BERGGER Pancro 400 is a fast black and white film with classic grain. With a nominal sensitivity of 400 iso, it produces very good results from 160 to 1600 iso. It is possible to vary its grain depending on the developer used, from very fine to very drawn.

BERGGER Pancro 400 is characterised by the quality of its grain, the rendering of details, and the wide of its grey scale.

BERGGER Pancro 400 is a two emulsion film , composed with silver bromide and silver iodide. They differ by the size of their grain. These properties allow a wide exposure latitude. The two emulsions are panchromatic, and are stabilized by high tech systems.

BERGGER Pancro400 in 135 is coated on a 135 microns acetate base and includes DX Coding. It is designed with an undercoated anti-halation layer which clarifies during processing, and a anti-curling layer.